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Grow! The World Needs God’s Love
Recently, fewer new churches are opening while more churches are closing. What does the community lose out on if more and more churches close down?
Grow! Our Spiritual Health Needs It
Growing and multiplying are essential parts of a healthy church, but what happens if the church stops growing and multiplying?
Grow! It’s Jesus’ Mission for Us
Jesus planted the first church and his final commandment, the Great Commission, was to make more disciples and plant more churches.
Grow! It’s God’s Plan for Humanity
Even though the world tries to prevent the church from growing and multiplying, God intervenes to grow his church against all odds.
You Get What You Deserve (EASTER!)
Why is it so hard to forgive someone? Learn how to let go of your grudges, love the people who have hurt you, and learn to say “I forgive you”—and mean it.
You Don't Need to Forgive Them
Why is it so hard to forgive someone? Learn how to let go of your grudges, love the people who have hurt you, and learn to say “I forgive you”—and mean it.
Do What Makes You Happy
Why shouldn’t you do something if it makes you happy? In this message, we get to the bottom of happiness, joy, and what Jesus said about them.
Fight Cleanly
We tend to ignore difficult issues in relationships, hoping they will somehow go away. It doesn't. We learn, sooner or later, that you can't build Christ's kingdom on lies and pretense.
Climb the Ladder of Integrity
There’s pressure all around us to live a life that is not our own. But we can learn how to clarify our values and thoughts. and feelings, and, if appropriate, asserting ourselves respectfully.
Listen Incarnationally
In unhealthy togetherness, we want another person to think and feel the way we do. In healthy togetherness, we allow the other to have their own thoughts, feelings, fears, and values.