Church Membership
Rather than simply defining who’s in or out, membership at RiverLife will help you grow in your faith and embrace a mission larger than yourself.
Membership Requirements
16 years or older
Committed Christian who believes in Jesus as Lord & Savior
Baptized as a reflection of faith in Jesus
Agree to the Four Membership Commitments
Watch or listen to the Membership sermon series
Complete your Nucleus Personal Profile - Name, email, phone, address, gender, birthday, marital status, and profile pic.
Complete the Membership Form (each person 16 and up)
Complete the All-Church Survey (anonymous)
Attend a Membership Class (offered quarterly)
If you do not want to become a member of the church but still consider yourself part of the RiverLife family, we encourage you to create a Nucleus profile on our website.
Membership Classes
In this 2-hour interactive discussion, you’ll have a chance to talk about the Four Membership Commitments, assess your current involvement in the church, learn about RiverLife and the C&MA, and ask any questions you have about the church.
Classes are offered quarterly.
Membership Mantras
7 Core Principles That Shape Membership at RiverLife
1. Membership is about growing spiritually not belonging to a club.
2. We don’t exist for ourselves. We exist for God first and others second.
3. Members unite; complainers divide.
4. Membership means learning a new set of family rules.
5. Membership is finding your function in the family.
6. Membership is understanding and joining the mission of God and the mission of the church.
7. Membership is a partnership between church and member.
Membership Sermon Series
Watch the core teachings about membership at RiverLife
1. Membership as Discipleship (Pastor Greg, 35 min)
2. Membership as Unity (Pastor Greg, 28 min)
3. Membership as Family (Pastor Kong, 21 min)
4. Membership as Mission (Pastor Kong, 35 min)
5. Membership as Commitment (Pastor Greg, 32 min)
(from Fall 2021)
The Four Membership Commitments
Membership is a two-way partnership between the church and the member.
Below are the four membership commitments that both are making to one another.
Four Commitments You Make to RiverLife
1. Be a Disciple of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20)
Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Be baptized as a public declaration of your faith.
Commit to ongoing spiritual growth (discipleship).
Look for opportunities to disciple others.
2. Gather in Community (Hebrews 10:25)
Participate in the life of the church.
Attend service at least half the time.
Develop friendships at church.
3. Serve Others (Philippians 2:3, 1 Peter 4:10)
Volunteer in a ministry at least once a month.
Participate in opportunities to serve those outside the church.
Consider others more important than yourself.
4. Give to the Church (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
Financially give regularly, generously, and according to ability.
Regular = consistent, intentional, planned
Generous = an amount that matters to you, costs you something, and engages your heart
According to ability = in proportion to what God has given you.
Look for opportunities to give time, skills, expertise, donations, etc.
Don’t come to God empty-handed.
Four Commitments RiverLife Makes to You
Please note: These commitments are not limited only to members of RiverLife. We are deeply committed to serving and caring for anybody inside and outside the RiverLife family.
1. Shepherding Care (1 Peter 5:2-3, Acts 20:28)
Care for your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
Provide spiritual guidance and training.
Lead out of a desire to please God and not for personal gain.
2. Spiritual Authority (Titus 2:15, Hebrews 13:17)
Recognize that Jesus is the head of this church and that our authority comes from him.
Speak against sin and call people to repentance.
Help you resolve conflict with biblical reconciliation.
Exercise spiritual discipline when necessary.
Encourage and empower you to use your spiritual authority in Christ.
3. Support for Life Events (Galatians 6:2, Acts 2:42-47)
Participate in life’s celebrations—baby dedications, parties, house blessings, graduations, weddings, funerals, and more.
Preside over weddings and funerals.
Provide financial and practical assistance for funerals.
4. Voting Rights (Acts 6:1-4)
Provide you with opportunities to vote in church elections and business meetings.
Listen to your needs, opinions, and concerns about church initiatives, strategic plans, and leadership.
Should I become a member at RiverLife?
Use this chart below to determine your relationship with the church and whether membership would be a good fit for you. You can also see areas of your spiritual growth and church involvement where you would like to grow and stretch yourself.