Our Mission
We are a next-gen Hmong church experiencing God together.
Our mission statement captures who we are (a next-gen Hmong church) and what we believe makes for a holistic, transformative Christian faith (experiencing God together = experiential, theological, communal).
Being a next-gen Hmong church means that we will always look ahead to our kids and youth and how best to understand them, create space for them, and nurture faith in them.
Spiritual experiences are important because when you experience God first-hand, it changes you.
Good theology is important because your beliefs about God drive your behaviors.
Loving community is important because real transformation happens with other people not by ourselves.
But what if I’m not Hmong?
That’s okay. You have a place at RiverLife as well. In fact, about 20% of the church isn’t Hmong. We have other Asian ethnicities, white people, Blacks, African immigrants, and hispanics who are all part of the RiverLife family.
Here’s the great thing: you don’t have to be Hmong to love Hmong. Pastors Greg & Jeremy is living proof of that. Here’s your chance to receive the love of Jesus and to share it with a group of people different than you.