Q3 2023 Report (July - Sept)
It was a mixed bag this quarter. Accreditation marked a significant milestone for RiverLife, but decreased giving and Fall ministry expenses put a financial strain on the church.
Ministry Highlights
RiverLife finally became an officially accredited church in the Alliance (after 6 months of hard work and a pandemic delay).
46 youth attended the HLUB conference in July, resulting in 11 youth baptisms at camp and here at home.
Despite the rain, we served hundreds of our Eastside neighbors at National Night Out at the Conway Rec Center with Bahn Mi hotdogs, cotton candy, and a bounce house.
Simple Summer events at STP & BP were a hit, with solid attendance and lots of fun.
You donated 300 lbs. of school supplies for Eastern Heights Elementary in St. Paul and Edinbrook Elementary in Brooklyn Park.
At the July Work Day for the St. Paul campus, we cleaned out the overstuffed garage and beautified the church sign with new flowers.
Attendance picked up in September after a steady Q2 and summer.
Quarterly average: 212.
9% Lower than last quarter (232). If we exclude Easter, it’s only 3% lower.
17% higher than this time last year (181).
September saw a 5% bump from Summer (July, Aug). This is fairly normal for RiverLife.
Financial Update
Balance Sheet (Q3)
Income: $84,951
Expenses: $95,293
Net: $-10,342
Balance Sheet (YTD)
Income: $288,404
Expenses: $273,081
Net: +$15,323
Revenue Sources (Q3)
Offering: 86%
Twins Fundraiser: 6%
Facility Rental: 4%
Covid Clinics: 2%
Translation at CPA: 2%
Monthly Revenue (all sources)
All three months of Q3 were below budget.
Progress on 2023 Goals
Become an Accredited Church
Done and done! (As of Sept. 10, 2023) ✅
Improve the Financial Health of the Church
This was a difficult quarter for church finances.
Decreased giving and increased expenses for Fall ministry launches reduced our savings by about $10,000.
Develop a Comprehensive Discipleship Strategy
No significant progress on this goal in Q3.
Become a Voice of Influence for Next-Gen Hmong Ministry
Had multiple discussions about adding a podcast
Finalized basic branding:
Name: The RiverLife Ministry Blog/Podcast
Tagline: “Simple Talk and Practical Ideas for Ministry to Next-Gen Hmong”
Strategy: Positioning ourselves as people’s individual ministry mentors, e.g. “Hi, I’m Greg… and I’m Kong… and we’re your ministry mentors…”
Plan to launch nextgenhmong.com blog in Q4.