Q2 2023 Report (Apr-Jun)
This was the largest fundraising period in RiverLife’s history. Through your generosity and hard work, we raised $27,500.
Ministry Highlights
Held the largest Easter in RiverLife’s history—with 495 joining us for service at both campuses and over 1,200 attending the Easter egg hunts.
Celebrated 7 baptisms on Easter — 5 adults and 2 kids.
Hosted 180 people for a 3-day Soul Care Conference with international author and speaker Rob Reimer. Over 50 people were set free through deliverances.
Volunteered 525 work hours at Twins concessions stands to raise money for the youth HLUB Conference and the church General Fund.
Added 12 new garden plots to our Community Garden at the Brooklyn Park campus, for a total of 92 plots.
Taught a Financial Peace University class. Over eight weeks, the 15 participants paid off $222,680 in credit card debt.
Bundled over 3,000 diapers and collected 50 boxes of wipes for First Care Pregnancy Center as part of Serve Sunday.
Steady attendance at both campuses. (Easter was the exception).
Quarterly average: 232.
Nearly identical to the last quarter (234).
27% higher than this time last year (184).
Financial Update
Balance Sheet (Q2)
Income: $109,107
Expenses: $84,790
Net: +$24,317
Balance Sheet (YTD)
Income: $203,453
Expenses: $176,399
Net: +$27,054
Revenue Sources (Q2)
Offering: 71%
Twins Fundraiser: 14%
Soul Care Conference: 9%
Facility Rental: 6%
Covid Clinics: 2%
Amount Raised from Fundraising (YTD)
Donations to Youth: $7,428
Twins Fundraiser (for the youth): $3,664
Twins Fundraiser (for the church): $10,552
Soul Care Conference: $5,857
TOTAL: $27,500
Monthly Revenue (all sources)
All three months were significantly above budget.
Progress on 2023 Goals
Become an Accredited Church
Wrote a complete first draft of our church bylaws.
Scheduled our official accreditation meeting for Sept. 10, 2023.
Improve the Financial Health of the Church
After the youth expenses in July, we’ll have saved over $10,000, bringing us close to our goal of $15,000 by the end of the year.
Weekly giving is up 18% from this time last year.
Develop a Comprehensive Discipleship Strategy
Successfully hosted classes in Soul Care and Financial Peace University class, as well as a 3-day Soul Care Conference.
Launched one new Life Group.
Become a Voice of Influence for Next-Gen Hmong Ministry
No significant progress on this goal in Q2.
Plan to launch nextgenhmong.com blog in Q3.