Q1 2023 Report (Jan-Mar)
Strong giving in January and March allowed us to save money while launching multiple discipleship opportunities.
Ministry Highlights
We sent 4 church members as missionaries to Warren, Germany, to serve for 10 days. (Yeng Thao & Jerry Yang, Rick & Kirstin Wallace)
You donated a whopping $6,876 for the HLUB youth conference. Thank you for this incredible generosity!
We bought a new soundboard. The one at the St. Paul campus was failing and is no longer supported by the manufacturer.
After some repairs, we have working snowblowers on both campuses. This has helped cut snow removal costs at the end of the winter season.
At the Brooklyn Park campus, a nearby mosque has been using the parking lot for Ramadan celebrations. This has been an ongoing and very positive interfaith relationship.
We have received another shipment of 5,000 Bombas to distribute.
Overall, steady attendance.
Quarterly average: 234. This is a 5% growth over last quarter.
STP - Slight Growth
BP - Slight Decline
Financial Update
Balance Sheet
Income: $94,345
Expenses: $90,556
Net: +$3,789
Revenue Sources
Offering: 89%
Facility Rental: 6%
Covid Clinics: 3%
Monthly Revenue (all sources)
All three months were at or above budget.
Progress on 2023 Goals
Become an Accredited Church
Hosted membership classes and began the process of ratifying 40 new members.
Scheduled a meeting with District staff in April to begin developing church bylaws.
Improve the Financial Health of the Church
Saved nearly $4,000 in Q1. That’s 20% of our goal of saving $15k this year.
Projected our revenue from the Thrive fundraiser and the Soul Care conference to be $10k-$15k.
Published a 2022 Annual Report with detailed financial reports.
Created this quarterly report to improve financial visibility throughout the year.
Develop a Comprehensive Discipleship Strategy
Scheduled Soul Care and Financial Peace University classes for Q2.
Began adapting the membership “Church Engagement Matrix” into a discipleship pathway tool.
Become a Voice of Influence for Next-Gen Hmong Ministry
Cast a vision to the Ministry Team for writing blog articles. All members are excited about launching.
Plan to launch nextgenhmong.com blog in Q2.