Q4 2023 Report (Oct - Dec)


High attendance at Halloween and Christmas were ministry highlights. Generous Q4 giving placed the church in a stronger financial position than we’ve been in since the pandemic.

Ministry Highlights

  • Collected 362 toys for our toy drives and distributed them to the Conway Rec Center (St. Paul) and the Salvation Army (Brooklyn Park).

  • Served 305 people at our Costume Carnival at both campuses. (First time for Brooklyn Park!)

  • Ministered to 295 people on our Christmas services and Cookies & Craft Fairs.

  • Baptized 9 adults and dedicated 21 children.

  • Raised over $3,000 in our Pastor’s Spicy Wing Challenge for Giving Tuesday.

  • Strong year-end giving increased the church’s savings.


  • Attendance was generally steady, with a slight increase.

  • Quarterly average: 247

    • 16% higher than last quarter (212). That’s expected because summer attendance dips and Halloween and Christmas boosts this quarter’s average.

    • 10% higher than this time last year (223).


Financial Update

Balance Sheet (Q4)

Income: $92,167
Expenses: $89,284
Net: +$2,883

Balance Sheet (YTD)

Income: $380,571
Expenses: $362,591
Net: +$17,980

Revenue Sources (Q4)

Offering: 85%
Facility Rental: 7%
Giving Tuesday: 4%
Covid Clinics: 4%
Misc: 1%

Monthly Revenue (all sources)


Progress on 2023 Goals

  1. Become an Accredited Church

    • Done and done! (As of Sept. 10, 2023) ✅

  2. Improve the Financial Health of the Church

    • Saved $15,000 in the bank thanks to increased giving in Nov. and Dec.

  3. Become a Voice of Influence for Next-Gen Hmong Ministry

  4. Develop a Comprehensive Discipleship Strategy

    • No significant progress on this goal in Q4.

Greg Rhodes

Greg is the Lead Pastor of RiverLife Church. He started the church five years ago with his wife, Pang Foua. Prior to RiverLife, Greg was a long-time youth ministry veteran, with nearly 20 years of experience working with teenagers and young adults.


2023 Ministry Reports


Q3 2023 Report (July - Sept)