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Perverting Scripture to Justify Abuse
St. Paul Greg Rhodes St. Paul Greg Rhodes

Perverting Scripture to Justify Abuse

Christian perpetrators of abuse often distort biblical themes such as submission, “God hates divorce,” or Eve as a “helper” to justify their abuse. It’s time we understand these themes properly as honoring women and marriage.

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Prayer as an Expression of Hope
St. Paul Greg Rhodes St. Paul Greg Rhodes

Prayer as an Expression of Hope

John Maxwell said, “Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present.” When you can find hope for the future, you have the strength and empowerment to succeed in the present.

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Prayer as Confession
St. Paul Greg Rhodes St. Paul Greg Rhodes

Prayer as Confession

Confession is a spiritual journey into abundant life. The freedom that confession brings to the soul of the forgiven leads them to forgive because they understand the blessedness of being forgiven.

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