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The Gift of Joy
What difference can the joy of the Lord make in your life? A big one! The word joy appears over and over again in the Scriptures. Join us this week to discover why.
The Gift of Peace
Peace is one of the last things we feel these days. But imagine what it could feel like to bask in the peace of God that surpasses all our understanding.
The Gift of Hope
Has this year left you a little bruised and battered? It’s time to open up a new gift of hope from God and discover the difference it can make.
Politics and Prayer
Let’s change how we pray about politics. It’s time to move beyond our parties, platforms, and candidates into something so much bigger.
The Wrong Way to Advance Kingdom of God
Politics are all about advancement—for a nation. But what about the advancement of the kingdom of God? Find out what are the right ways and wrong ways.
I Pledge Allegiance
Most of us grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in elementary school. But what does it really mean? And how does being a Christian affect our allegiances?
People Over Politics
It seems like much of our nation’s political discourse is filled with division. Discover what it looks like for us to place people over politics.
Turning the Unknown into the Known
While the future has so many unknowns, there is a way to bring clarity and peace to it. With God, we can turn the unknown into the known.
Antidote to a Complaining Heart
Complaining is destructive to the heart. We are all susceptible to it, especially in times of uncertainty. But there is an antidote that will save our hearts.
Living Off a Secondhand Faith
We can build our Christianity off somebody else’s faith. But God has something so much better in store for you than simply secondhand faith.