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Dangerous Power of Uncertainty
Uncertainty is a powerful force. Fear can drive us to become untamed beasts and turn away from God. This week, discover the secret to surviving uncertain times.
People of the Truth
How do we find certainty when both sides are accusing the other side of misinformation? Join us as we find out how we can be loving in times of uncertainty.
How to Make a Wise Decision
There are important and difficult questions that lie in gray areas. What do we do when we need wisdom? Join us as we explore ways to make wise decisions.
What is Biblical Wisdom
Many people can help develop our knowledge of the world. But what if there is another form of knowledge that you are missing? Join us as we dive into Biblical wisdom.
Family Relationships
Pang Foua Yang Rhodes shares how God has wired us to cope with danger and how we can grow through times of crisis.
Worries, Fears, and Sleepless Nights
Pang Foua Yang Rhodes shares how God has wired us to cope with danger and how we can grow through times of crisis.
It Takes a Village
Pang Foua Yang Rhodes shares how God has wired us to cope with danger and how we can grow through times of crisis.
What’s Happening to Me?
Pang Foua Yang Rhodes shares how God has wired us to cope with danger and how we can grow through times of crisis.