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Reset Your Soul through Solitude
Special guest, Kyle Magstadt! Join us as he talks about an ancient spiritual practice that we're all living these days--solitude.
Manage Your Fear
These days, there are plenty of reasons to be afraid. But the secret to surviving any crisis is managing those fears.
Have an Anchor
Everybody needs an anchor—something to hold onto when life is chaotic. Learn how to hold onto God as our anchor during these challenging times.
The Danger of Complaining
What's the worst thing you can do in church? Complain. Discover the destructive power of something so simple and yet so common.
The Power of Church Unity
Jesus explains that unity within the church is one of the most powerful testimony Christians have to show the world.
Rethinking Membership
Pastors Greg & Kong cast a vision for being the church together and share two foundational principles for membership at RiverLife.
Avoiding the Path of Adultery
Nobody gets married thinking they’ll cheat on their spouse. But it happens… at lot. Learn how to protect yourself and your marriage.
Sexual Mutuality in Marriage
The Bible has some surprising words for husbands and wives and their sex life.
Sexual Gaurdrails
If there’s one area in which personal guardrails are most needed but also most resisted, it’s sex.
Introduction to Gaurdrails
Guardrails help prevent us from straying into areas of life that can harm us or the people we love.