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Before Sex: Identity
If you don’t understand your identity in God, it’s really easy to use sex and sexual activity to define and defend who you see yourself to be.
Before Sex: Place, Purpose, Provision, Parameters
There are certain things that if you don’t have firmly located in God, you are almost guaranteed to misuse sexual activity. Here are the first four.
God’s Design for Sex is For Our Ultimate Good
It’s easy to picture God as anti-sex. But the Creation Story in Genesis paints a very different picture.
God Has a Narrow View of Sex
Our world today has a wide view of sex. But everything in Scripture seems to point to the idea that God has a narrow view of sex.
Healing in Community
God has designed us to find healing in a special way—in loving, trusted relationships with others. Learn how this can happen.
Helping Someone Who’s Struggling
Pang Foua Rhodes shares some lessons from the Book of Job and provides advice on how to lovingly come alongside someone who’s reaching for help.
Light in the Darkness
Pang Foua Rhodes shares about the rise and impact of depression and suicide within the Hmong community, and answers, “Is suicide an unforgivable sin?”
This One Thing (2020)
Pastor Greg draws out a lesson that can be the key to finally accomplishing the one thing we each need to put our minds to this year.
Christmas: Prince of Peace
We live in a world desperately in need of peace. There is one true way there, and it’s through a baby in a manger.
Christmas: Everlasting Father
We tend to project onto our heavenly father how we think of our earthly father. That’s why it is so important that Jesus was called an “Everlasting Father”.