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Christmas: Mighty God
The name “Mighty God” conjures up images of power and strength. But to Jesus, it might surprise you where and how that power is at work.
The Secret to Being Thankful (2019)
How is it that a holiday centered around giving thanks often leaves us feeling quite the opposite? Take a breather and learn how to survive by being thankful.
Missions Sunday 2019
We celebrated God at work during our recent local mission trip to the Envision Chicago site. Hear stories from participants about what they learned.
Fear of Failure
This week, Pastor Kong shares his own fear of failure and how God can redeem and redirect it for all of us.
Fear of Rejection
Fear of rejection can propel us into a life of people-pleasing. In this sermon, Pastor Greg shows from the Bible how you can learn to live for an audience of one.
Baptism: Initiation into the Family of God
Join RiverLife as we initiate new members into the family of God.
EH Wrap-Up
As we close out our EHS series, Pastor Greg and Pang Foua answer some common questions and explain how EH will fit into the big picture of RiverLife.
Going Back in Order to Go Forward
Ever wonder why you keep repeating the same bad habits? Pastor Greg looks at false messages we learn in childhood and their effects on us in adulthood.
Doing for God vs. Being with God
This week, Pang Foua Rhodes shares the secret to having our activity for God flow out of our life with God.
Problem of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
Join Pastor Greg as he shares signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality by examining the life and rule of King Saul.