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Level Up Your Faith
Did you know that God also has a "level up" plan for you and your faith? Join Pastor Greg to discover what is it and why you don't want to miss out on it.
Fourfold Gospel: Christ as Sanctifier
Sanctification is the spiritual formation process whereby we are transformed more into the image of Christ. Join Pastor Greg this week to understand this process.
Fourfold Gospel: Christ as Savior
From the beginning, God wanted it to be clear that the most important thing about His earthborn Son was that He would be our Savior.
What Women Really Want
Join Pang Foua Rhodes for a lighthearted but insightful look into what women really want from their families and friends.
We Handle Our Sin All Wrong
Join Pastor Greg as we look at a passage from Hosea that describes God’s instruction and invitation to us when we do wrong.
Restoring a Broken Relationship
God tells Hosea to marry a woman with a questionable reputation. Join us this week to find out the secret to restoring a broken relationship.
God’s Response to Unfaithfulness
How do you think God responds when we break our promise to Him? The answer might surprise you.
What’s a “Relationship” With God?
Join us as we begin this series with an overview of the book of Hosea. It presents an analogy to help us understand what having a relationship with God means.
Easter: Celebrate the Resurrection
Easter is one of the biggest celebrations in the life of the Church. Join us this special Sunday as we celebrate the hope found in the risen Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Palm Sunday 2018
Join Pastor Greg as he shares this story from the Bible that reminds us that Jesus is king over our lives and that He isn't always what we expect him to be.