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The Wife as Helper
In Genesis 2:18, after creating man, God said that he would make a "helper suitable for him". Join Pang Foua Rhodes to discover the truth behind being a "helper."
Purpose of Marriage
What is the purpose of marriage? Join the Rhodes as they co-teach the message and answer this important question.
I Believe in Resurrection
What will happen to you at the end of time? Join Pastor Greg to understand how and why Christians will be raised from the dead.
I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins
How you see God’s forgiveness tends to leak out to your relationships. Forgiveness is so critical in God’s economy that we can’t afford to get it wrong
I Believe in the Church
The Church still stands despite the beating it has taken throughout the years. This week, allow God to expand your understanding of the Church.
I Believe in the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is one of the most confusing aspects of the Trinity. Pastor Greg sorts through the confusion to give you clarity of the Holy Spirit and his role in your life.
I Believe Jesus Will Come Again
We are uneasy seeing Jesus as a judge. Join Pastor Greg to understand better what it means for Jesus to be our judge and how we can be sure he’ll rule in our favor.
I Believe Jesus Rose Again
In this message, Pastor Greg explores Jesus’ resurrection, the promise God gives in it, and the incredible gift we can receive from it.
I Believe Jesus Suffered and Died
Why is it important that Jesus suffered, died, and was buried in a tomb? Pastor Greg shares the spiritual and practical impact of this critical piece of Christian theology.