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This One Thing (2024)
Learn the key to finally accomplishing the one thing we each need to put our minds to this year.
The Joy of Redemption (Christmas Service)
There are so many reasons to be joyful around Christmas. In this sermon, four different speakers share the joys in salvation in Jesus.
The Announcement of Joy
In the Christmas story, so many people felt joy around Jesus’ birth announcement. It shows that joy is a communal experience not just individual.
Joy in Humility
Jesus was born into very humble circumstances, maybe just like you. But all those who came to him were filled with joy. Discover the secret of joy that isn’t built on what’s around you.
The Anticipation of Joy
Anticipation is built into Christmas. Opening presents, seeing family, eating delicious food. It’s as true today as it was 2,000 years ago. Let’s kick off the Christmas season anticipating great joy.
Identity in Christ
Who are you? Our identities are complex, intersectional, and often wounded. Discover the power of placing your identity in Christ and how it can make all your other identities the best versions of themselves.
The Secret to Being Thankful (2023)
How is it that a holiday centered around giving thanks often leaves us feeling stressed, tired, shopping-obsessed, and even resenting our family?
Novembering: A Time of Grief and Lament (2023)
Each year, before the holiday rush, we set aside time for a special service at RiverLife. It's a time when we grieve, remember, and celebrate the memory of those family and friends who are no longer with us.
Defeating the Darkness in You
During Hallow, we see a lot of darkness around us—death, skeletons, ghouls, and goblins. Those are scary indeed, but what about the darkness inside you? That is usually much scarier.
How should a Christian view LGBTQ issues?
Some conservative Christians are now rejecting Jesus' sayings as too liberal, socialist, or weak. Is Jesus too Democratic or too Republican? Maybe he’s neither or too much of something entirely different.