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Texts of Terror: A Daughter Sacrificed
The daughter of a judge named Jephthah was killed as a human sacrifice because of a careless promise to God. She is a symbol for all the courageous daughters of faithless fathers.

Texts of Terror: A Concubine Dismembered
An unnamed woman, a concubine of a Levite, was betrayed, raped, tortured, murdered, and dismembered by a priest.

Texts of Terror: Tamar’s Rape
Hagar was a slave turned concubine of the patriarch Abraham. She fathered him a son and then was sent away to die in the desert.

Texts of Terror: Using & Abandoning Haggar
Hagar was a slave turned concubine of the patriarch Abraham. She fathered him a son and then was sent away to die in the desert.

The Unbiblical Use of Power in Relationships
We don’t see the word “abuse” in the bible, but Scripture says a lot about the use and misuse of power.

Perverting Scripture to Justify Abuse
Christian perpetrators of abuse often distort biblical themes such as submission, “God hates divorce,” or Eve as a “helper” to justify their abuse. It’s time we understand these themes properly as honoring women and marriage.

Violating the Image of God in Another
All people are created in the image of God. Understanding this not only can help you see the immeasurable worth in another person, but also the truly horrific nature of violence and abuse.