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Membership as Discipleship
Instead of defining who’s in and who’s out, what if church membership could actually help us grow in our faith?
Launch Celebration
It’s time to celebrate with the RiverLife family! Share stories of all the lives transformed as we create more space for more hope, and healing.
Multiply: Remove Obstacles to God (Acts 15:1-21)
We’re usually most comfortable with people like us. But, to multiply the goodness of the kingdom of God, you have to look beyond your own people.
Multiply: Care For Those in Need (Acts 3:1-10)
We’re usually most comfortable with people like us. But, to multiply the goodness of the kingdom of God, you have to look beyond your own people.
Multiply: Be Led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:14-47)
We’re usually most comfortable with people like us. But, to multiply the goodness of the kingdom of God, you have to look beyond your own people.
Multiply: Be Full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-13)
There was a moment in time that changed the trajectory of the church and transformed ordinary men into world-changers. And it is an essential ingredient to multiplying disciples and churches.
Multiply: Trust Jesus’ Promises (Acts 1:1-11)
The book of Acts begins with a promise of a gift from the Risen Christ to his disciples. Jesus offers us the same gift today.
Spiritual Training: Session 4
What if church was less like a concert and a classroom and more like a session with a personal trainer? It’s time to build new spiritual muscles and strengthen old ones. This week, we’ll do 7-10 exercises together, focusing on five essential skills for the Christian faith: reading Scripture, praying to God, singing in worship, giving of ourselves, and loving others.
Spiritual Training: Session 3
What if church was less like a concert and a classroom and more like a session with a personal trainer? It’s time to build new spiritual muscles and strengthen old ones. This week, we’ll do 7-10 exercises together, focusing on five essential skills for the Christian faith: reading Scripture, praying to God, singing in worship, giving of ourselves, and loving others.
Spiritual Training: Session 2
What if church was less like a concert and a classroom and more like a session with a personal trainer? It’s time to build new spiritual muscles and strengthen old ones. This week, we’ll do 7-10 exercises together, focusing on five essential skills for the Christian faith: reading Scripture, praying to God, singing in worship, giving of ourselves, and loving others.