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Being a Tech-Wise Parent
Making good choices about tech in our families is about more than filters and screen time. It's about developing wisdom, character, and courage in the way we use media.
Unity in Parenting
Learn the Bible’s secret to unity in parenting and keeping families together.
A Parent's Priority
Did you know that the Bible clearly describes a parent’s main priority? This week, Pastor Greg shares the foundational passage in the whole Bible on parenting.
Dealing with Infertility & Loss
What happens when family planning doesn’t go as planned? You waited, and now you’re not getting pregnant. Or the unimaginable happens: you lose a much hoped-for pregnancy or newborn.
What's Your Reason for Having Kids?
There are a lot of reasons for having kids—some good, others not so good. But did you know that your reason for having children significantly affects how you raise them (for better or for worse)?
Community Engagement Day (2019)
Enjoy a morning of listening, learning, engaging, moving around, and participating in how we can love the people in our communities.
The Bible's Answer to Social Justice
But what about social injustice? Shouldn’t we be angry at sin in our world—racism, violence, oppression, hatred? The Bible’s answer to injustice might surprise you. It’s not what you think.
Why We Get Offended
Every day, we encounter situations that can make us angry. Why do some set us off and others slip right by?
The Myth of Righteous Anger
Most people will admit that we shouldn’t have “bad” anger that hurts other people. But what about “good” anger, even righteous anger, at the sin and evil in this world?
Being Unoffendable Starts with One Decision
How in the world are we supposed to live unoffendable when there’s so much that’s upsetting about our world, our country, and even our own lives? It starts with one simple decision.