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Why Does God Care About my Body?
Have you ever wondered why God? Pastor Greg shares insights into our bodies from one of the most relevant passages in the whole Bible.
Father’s Day 2017
Celebrate Father's Day with RiverLife. Listen to the story of two dads through song and Scripture, and then see which resonates more with you.
How Do You Define Healthy?
How do you define healthy? Join Pastor Greg for a big-picture discussion of health and the interconnectedness of our whole self.
Transformation Begins in the Mind
God desires to transform your life, your family, and your future. Join us in learning the secret to lasting life change. It's not easy, but it's easier than you might think.
The Ripple Effect
It is incredible how one event in history could change the world. Der Lor explores the time in between and the one thing that made all the difference.
Mother’s Day 2017
This is a message of hope to all the moms and moms-to-be who feel they don't measure up. Pastor Greg shares a Mother's Day message from God to you.
Take a Load Off
Pastor Greg shares a well-known verse but with a really practical way to live it out. You can also watch him carry 50 lbs worth of rocks and try to preach a sermon.
Full Life Forever
We want to know that we will live on even after our bodies have disintegrated. When Jesus rose from the dead, he made a way for us to have life after death.
Full Life Now
What if there’s more to this life? Join Pang Foua Rhodes to discover how Jesus’ resurrection from the grave makes for us every day of our lives.
What Happened at the Grave?
It's an incredible thing to know what happened on the cross, but that's not all that Easter's about. Join us as we thank God that Christ didn't stay in the grave.