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Is Jesus the Only Way to go to Heaven?
So, is that really what Christianity says? Join Pastor Greg as he explains why this is such a universal question and what the answer means for each of us.

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Join Pang Foua Rhodes as she shares the classic story of Job and how God provides the most unexpected answer to one of the most common questions.

Can I Have Doubts and Still be a Christian?
Doubt is something that all of us experience at one time or another. Join us and see how it’s less about your doubts and more about what you do with them.

What Does the Bible say about LGBT?
What’s a Christian to do and believe? Join Pastor Greg as he provides a biblical response for all of us, regardless of which side of the debate you fall on.

Should Culture Change Religion or Religion Change Culture?
What is the role of culture in religion? Pang Foua Rhodes sorts through this difficult issue and allows Scripture to provide some clarity in the complexity.

How can a Loving God Send People to Hell?
Resolving this issue is hard, but there is an answer. Join Pastor Greg to learn how to reconcile these seemingly contradictory beliefs.

What is Christian Response to Social Justice Issues?
Join Pastor Greg this week to learn the vital role to play in social justice. But it’s more than just what we do; it’s how we do it as well.

How do You Know When God is speaking to You?
Join Pastor Greg as he shares one key principle and six practical guidelines for hearing and distinguishing God’s voice in your life.