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Victory and Freedom in Jesus through Deliverance
Fear and bondage can keep you from fully following Jesus, but Jesus promises that he can and will set you free from the things that hold you back from a full life.

Overcoming Fear
When we’re afraid, we are more prone to make mistakes. Fear can blind, terrorize, and paralyze us. God sets us free from fear when we fix our eyes on him.

Align with God through Repentance
When God’s light shines into our souls, we usually react with defensiveness, blame, and rationalization or we spiral into shame and hiding. God reveals in order to heal; He wants to cleanse and free us. But first, we must confess and repent.

Why We Need Soul Care
We all have hurts, brokenness, and areas of defeat in our lives. Our souls are wounded, and healing starts with our identity and having a correct view of who we are.