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Simple Theology: Church
What is church? Is it a building (“the church is on the corner”), a service (“let’s go to church on Sunday”), or an organization (“I love my church”)? Yes and no. But there’s one word that the Bible uses to describe church more than any other.

Simple Theology: Sanctification
How would you describe sanctification in one word? Is this one of those words limited to Bible college students, seminarians, pastors, and YouTube “experts”? No, every Christian is living it, whether they know it or not.

Simple Theology: Gospel
How would you describe the gospel in one word? This word might get the award for the word that most people know but few understand. Would you believe that a clear definition is right there in the Bible?

Simple Theology: Sin
How would you describe sin in one word? Some churches talk a lot about it, while others barely mention it. Discover the core meaning of the word and how to have a balanced understanding of it.

Simple Theology: Trinity
How would you describe the Trinity in one word? This has puzzled theologians for millennia. In fact, it took the early church a few hundred years to figure it out for themselves. But, thankfully, it can be simplified.

Simple Theology: God
How would you describe God in one word? How is it even possible? Entire libraries have been written on the subject of God, but yes, He can be boiled down to a single word. And this one word is critical to understand because it informs everything else we know about Him.