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What’s Your Next Step?
God wants you to keep moving forward on your spiritual journey. This week get ready for Pastor Greg to ask you the question “What’s your next step?”

What is Church Membership & Why Have it?
Join us this Sunday for Pastor Greg's compelling vision of membership done well, while still aligning to RiverLife’s mission, values, and vibe.

How to Make a Difference in God’s Kingdom
Join Pastor Greg as he casts a vision of serving in a ministry at RiverLife and the indescribable difference you can make in people’s lives.

Capturing the RiverLife Vibe
Join Pastor Greg this Sunday as he explains the vibe we try to create at RiverLife and why it matters to the kingdom of God.

Six Values That Drive What We Do
At RiverLife, we have six core values that drive our decisions—from how we organize our Sunday services to how we spend our money.

The Impact of Being an Alliance Church
In a world of growing non-denominationalism, discover how vital our denomination has been to the life and success of RiverLife.

Belong, Believing, Behaving and Baptism
Join Pastor Greg as he explains the biblical picture of baptism and addresses some of the common misconceptions about it.

Our Mission
Join us this week, Pastor Greg and Pang Foua share about the church’s beginning and God’s calling on their lives to launch RiverLife with this specific mission.

Jesus, the Head of the Church
Who comes to mind when you think of the leaders of RiverLife? Pastor Greg? Yes, but the real leader of RiverLife is Jesus Christ.