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I Am Becoming Holy, Free from Sin’s Power (Thess. 5:23)
If we are free from sin, why do we continue to struggle with old habits that are unhealthy and maybe even detrimental to our relationship with God? When we believe in Jesus, God declares us to be right, but becoming holy is a process that takes a lifetime. The Holy Spirit works in our lives by freeing us from sins that we continue to struggle with in order to make us completely holy.

I Am Holy, Free from Sin’s Punishment (Romans 3)
We experience freedom from sin when we believe what Jesus’ death and resurrection means for us. When we believe that Jesus died for our sins, God declares us to be right and we no longer have to face the consequence of sin’s punishment.

What is Holiness and How Do I Become Holy? (Ezek. 37:3-5)
When you hear the word holiness what do you think of? A holy person like a monk or a person who always attends church? Maybe you think of someone who is perfect like the pastor. But what if holiness was something completely different? Join us this week to discover that holiness isn’t about us, but it’s about Jesus.