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The Evil Inside the Argument
Join Pang Foua Rhodes as she explores the spiritual side of an argument and helps all of us fight against the real enemy of our relationships and our soul.

Disobeying Your Parents Without Dishonoring Them
Join Pang Foua Rhodes as she shares her story of honoring her parents through difficult situations and the biblical truths that allow her to do that.

How to Be a Better Forgiver
Improve your communication game by understanding the secret behind asking for forgiveness, as well as what to do when someone asks you to forgive them.

Two Communication Skills Every Person Needs
Pastor Greg shares two essential communication skills that saved his marriage and can dramatically improve your relationships as well.

Using Anger as a Gift Not a Curse
Are you tired of outbursts of anger that leave loved ones wounded and resentful? Pastor Greg shows how anger can actually be God’s gift to you instead of a curse.

How Do You Use Your Words?
Words are powerful. That’s why, in a fight, we use them to hurt our spouse, parent, or friend. It’s time that we redeem our words, even in the middle of an argument.