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The Easter Story in a Bag
Discover how Jesus didn’t cheat death; he beat death. Walk through the Easter story with a special bag of eggs.

Jesus Suffered, We’re Healed (Isaiah 53:1-10; 1 Peter 2:22-25)
Jesus Christ’s death on the cross to save humanity wasn’t an accident or God’s plan B. It was God’s plan all along since the beginning of creation. Kick off the Easter season by understanding God’s big story throughout Scripture. (Hint: It was Jesus all along.)

It Was Jesus All Along (Gen. 3:1-15; Rom. 5:12-19)
Jesus Christ’s death on the cross to save humanity wasn’t an accident or God’s plan B. It was God’s plan all along since the beginning of creation. Kick off the Easter season by understanding God’s big story throughout Scripture. (Hint: It was Jesus all along.)