Q3 2024 Report (July-Sept)
Third quarter was financially strong with generous giving, successful fundraising, and a couple of extra-large facility rentals. We also celebrated our 10th anniversary in RiverLife style—with a huge famly picnic full of worship, activities, and fun.
Ministry Highlights
Pastor Greg returned from his sabbatical in August, refreshed and ready to launch us into the next decade.
We celebrated our 10-year anniversary with a giant, all-church picnic.
We worked 8 Twins games, raising $6,700.
We raised $7,235 for the annual Thrive Youth Annual Fall Retreat. Thank you for investing in the next generation.
We welcomed a new intern from Crown Colllege.
Attendence returned to normal levels after a typical summer dip.
Quarterly average attendances were steady with slight increases compared to Q2.
St. Paul, Brooklyn Park, Online—3% increase (289 vs. 281)
St. Paul—5% increase (159 vs. 152)
Brooklyn Park—1% increase (115 vs. 114)
For the whole year, attendance has remained steady.
Financial Update (Q3)
Balance Sheet
Income: $95,868
Expenses: $91,021
Net: +$4,846
Revenue Sources
Offering: 84%
Facility Rental: 8%
Fundraising: 7%
Misc: 1%
Revenue: 107% of budget
Expenses: 102% of budget
Our expenses are almost right on budget for this time of year, and our revenue is ahead of budget.
The orange line marks our monthly budget.
Progress on 2024 Goals
Develop a comprehensive discipleship strategy.
We have had some conversations of what discipleship could look like in 2025.
No significant progress on this goal in Q3.
Improve the capacity and depth of our volunteers and leader.
We added new volunters in over half of our ministries.
We welcomed a new intern from Crown College.
Stabilize and strengthen our financial position.
We finished Q3 strong, with $4,846 more revenue than expenses and $19,000 in our account.
Through 2024, our total income is $14,000. We’ve received 55% of our budgeted income while spending 51% on expenses. We’re right on track with our budget!
We worked 8 Twins games, raising $6,700.
Become a voice of influence for Next-Gen Hmong Ministry
No significant progress on this goal in Q3.