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Missions Sunday

Great Commission Day is a special day for the Alliance family to be present together as we focus on Jesus’ Commission for the Church in Matthew 28:18-20—to go and make disciples of all nations.

We will have a special guest missionary from a closed-access country sharing their work among some of the least-reached people in their region. In order to protect the identity of our guest speaker, we will not be able to stream portions of the service.

During service, we will also be taking a special offering to support the Great Commission Fund, the source of funding for Alliance missionaries around the globe. So, bring some extra cash, your checkbook (if you still have one), or give online.

This Great Commission Day, we have an opportunity to engage through prayer, giving, and sending as we work together towards fulfilling our All of Jesus for All the World vision!

July 6

Prayer Gathering

July 13

Prayer Gathering