RiverLife Church

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Q1 2023 Report (Jan-Mar)


Strong giving in January and March allowed us to save money while launching multiple discipleship opportunities.

Ministry Highlights

  • We sent 4 church members as missionaries to Warren, Germany, to serve for 10 days. (Yeng Thao & Jerry Yang, Rick & Kirstin Wallace)

  • You donated a whopping $6,876 for the HLUB youth conference. Thank you for this incredible generosity!

  • We bought a new soundboard. The one at the St. Paul campus was failing and is no longer supported by the manufacturer.

  • After some repairs, we have working snowblowers on both campuses. This has helped cut snow removal costs at the end of the winter season.

  • At the Brooklyn Park campus, a nearby mosque has been using the parking lot for Ramadan celebrations. This has been an ongoing and very positive interfaith relationship.

  • We have received another shipment of 5,000 Bombas to distribute.


  • Overall, steady attendance.

  • Quarterly average: 234. This is a 5% growth over last quarter.

STP - Slight Growth

BP - Slight Decline

Financial Update

Balance Sheet

Income: $94,345
Expenses: $90,556
Net: +$3,789

Revenue Sources

Offering: 89%
Facility Rental: 6%
Covid Clinics: 3%

Monthly Revenue (all sources)

All three months were at or above budget.

Progress on 2023 Goals

  1. Become an Accredited Church

    • Hosted membership classes and began the process of ratifying 40 new members.

    • Scheduled a meeting with District staff in April to begin developing church bylaws.

  2. Improve the Financial Health of the Church

    • Saved nearly $4,000 in Q1. That’s 20% of our goal of saving $15k this year.

    • Projected our revenue from the Thrive fundraiser and the Soul Care conference to be $10k-$15k.

    • Published a 2022 Annual Report with detailed financial reports.

    • Created this quarterly report to improve financial visibility throughout the year.

  3. Develop a Comprehensive Discipleship Strategy

    • Scheduled Soul Care and Financial Peace University classes for Q2.

    • Began adapting the membership “Church Engagement Matrix” into a discipleship pathway tool.

  4. Become a Voice of Influence for Next-Gen Hmong Ministry

    • Cast a vision to the Ministry Team for writing blog articles. All members are excited about launching.

    • Plan to launch nextgenhmong.com blog in Q2.